Weird creature of the month – July

Stonefish Stonefish Andaman Sea Thailand

The world’s most venomous fish – Stonefish!

The stonefish, also known as Synanceia are a part of the Synanceiinae family and can be found in the tropical water of Indian sea and some parts of the Pacific. The stonefish are a master of camouflage, it almost looks like a coral or a stone when they are totally still, and therefore really hard to spot. The scorpionfish are a predator and when it hunts it lay still for long times and waiting for a fish to swim by and then the stonefish strike, due to its bad develop swimming. When the stonefish hunts it can take fish that are almost the same size at itself.

If you for some reason will get stung by a stonefish the venom attacks cells, blood and heart which lead to great pain and can make us humans paralysis, in the worst case we will die. A healthy person will not likely die but need to seek medical care as soon as possible and might have to amputate body parts to stop the venoms spreading. The stonefish have thirteen spikes on there back that linked to tow venoms sacs filled protein venom that protects them. If the stories are true then it must be very, very painful to get stung.

“I got stung on the finger by a Stonefish. It feels nothing like a bee sting, imagine having each knuckle, then the wrist, elbow and shoulder being hit in turn with a sledgehammer in around one hour. Then about an hour later imagine taking a real kick to both kidneys for about 45 minutes so that you can’t stand or straighten up. i got sensation back in my finger after a few days but had recurrent kidney pains periodically for several years afterwards.” Rebecca, Sarah. “The Most Excruciating Pain Known To Man.” Scienceray. (29 Dec 2010): 1. Print.

But the likelihood to get stung of a stonefish is small in relation how many stonefish there are out there.

Inexperienced divers in tropical water often mistaking the more common fish scorpionfish for a stonefish when they talking about what they have seen. The way to separate this two is that the scorpionfish have a shape of a “normal fish” with fins, tail and the mouth forward, when the stonefish have a rounder shape of the body and the mouth are in a more upper angel.

As a few final words, if you follow your training and do not touch anything under water you will be safe, you might swim by close to a stonefish without even know it. But if you by mistake, or in an emergency need to touch and grab hold of the corals, mind where you putting your hands.

Do you easy get ear infections? Do you having problems to equalize?


Don’t let these problems spoil you’re next scuba dives or a part of the holiday, Doc’s Proplugs can be the solution for you. Doc’s Proplugs are an earplug developed and designed since 1977 to keep water out from your ear while you diving. By the special design the earplugs are vented to allow equalization and at the same time keep dirty water out which will make the risk of ear infection reduces and it will also become easier to equalize. The earplugs are performed in silicone to be comfortable during long dives and you can choose in 8 different sizes to fit just your ear. And while you not scuba diving, you can bring them in to the swimming pool that often are heavily chlorinated to prevent your ear to dry out or on the snorkeling tour.

Without ear protection, 65% of scuba divers suffer from ear problems (source: DAN)

Next time you are in Thailand and signing up for a PADI course, diving or snorkeling trip consider if your ears are worthy one investment. Kon-Tiki Thailand is the only distributor in Thailand of Doc’s Proplugs. Just step in to one of over shop’s and we will make sure you get the right size on your pair.


Doc’s Proplugs