Kon-Tiki Krabi recieves the PADI Green Star Award

On behalf of the PADI Retail & Resort Associations, they would like to commend us for our commitment to conservation and the aquatic environment.

In recognition and appreciation of our conservation initiatives and effort to reduce the environmental footprint of our business, Kon-Tiki Krabi receives the PADI Green Star Award.

Through our achievements we help confirm green initiatives both environmentally and commercially and helps to promote green initiatives among other organizations. PADI would like to congratulate Kon-Tiki Krabi for the outstanding performance in initiating green business practices; exhibiting conservational responsibility!

In the future we plan to do even more project as we have in the past, so please keep yourself updated, should you wish to join us on one or more projects.

 PADI Green Star Award Kon-Tiki Krabi

Malene Jensen
General Manager
Kon-Tiki Krabi